1- The database administrator
to manage the repository on general, international, national, regional and specific basis as it is common to all applications :
¤ Identification: Company-Institution, centers /establishments, locations.
¤ Geography: Countries, languages, postal codes, governorates and localities.
¤ Legal & economic form: Supervising authorities, legal forms, branches, divisions and economic sectors.
¤ Profession : Jobs, specialties, professional categories, administrative status and educational levels.
¤ Civil status: Civil status, kinship and IDs.
¤ Finance: Banks, bank branches, taxes, currencies, rates of exchange, forms of payment, types of payment and conditions of payment.
2- The System administrator
to manage two key aspects :
¤ Access security: Assign the corresponding and adequate roles as well as IPs to users according to the SSO and LDAP principles.
¤ Personalization of messages and editions.