-THE COMMON SET OF PARAMETERS: To handle the global set of baselines, manage the centers of payments, the tax centers, the documents and certificates, etc.
– REFERENTIALS & CODIFICATIONS associated to EMPLOYERS REGISTRATION: These are the entries codes of: “Contribution & Recovery, contribution’s rate per branch, types of benefits and periods, regimes, employers’ position and object, registration origin, etc.
– REFERENTIALS & CODIFICATIONS associated to INSURANTS & BENEFICIARIES REGISTRATION: Insurants categories and positions, rights position, survivors’ position, insurants positions’ objects, rights positions’ objects, etc.
– REFERENTIALS & PARAMETERS PER SPECIFIC BRANCH: These are the values and the conditions on which the Social Security Law is based. They are made available for updates whenever the Law changes:
* Occupational Risks (OA-OD) Repository and parameters: Cause and impact of accident, victim condition, occupational disease, type of injuries, etc.
* Pensions Repository and parameters: These are the baselines to establish the eligibility to pensions: number of insurance months, sharing rate, for survivors’ benefits, age for retirement per workers’ category, etc.
All Laws including effective retroactivity and ages (advanced, minimum, actual, maximum) are defined by law and by worker category.
* Family Benefits Repository and parameters: These are the baselines to establish the right to Family Benefits: Child allowances, pregnancy-maternity allowances, etc.
