In this application, users will find the functions they mostly require to :
- Call for a contribution for a certain period and in a particular shape (blank form or pre-filled form) per regime: large institutions, regular regime, voluntary contributors, and household workers. Per period: monthly, quarterly and yearly.
- Process the summary and detailed statements received and edit acknowledgement receipts, reconcile and validate.
- Process the letters of formal notice and validate them.
- Process the electronic statements.
- Process the automatic taxations, the penalties and late payment surcharges.
- Administer the contributors accounts from loading and payments of allowances, processing arrears and sending reminders till production of balances and recovery status.
- Production, input, update and administer the individual accounts, in order to keep log files history of salaries per each insurant that has been declared. Data process history is very important as it will be used for basic counts and benefits clearing.
- Book automatically the transactions associated to the statements and to the settlements and set up a module to process the various operations.
- Set up a module to report the opening equity balances.
- Set up a module to control the contributors.
This application has exceptional features too :
- It can be totally integrated in the booking of thirds in order to get a situation that matches employers and accounting results.
- It can be totally integrated to the cash management as far as the payments at the counters are concerned.
- It allows external configuration of ratios, ceiling payments and operations per branch and associated deductions in accounting.