Accounting Interfaces

This application aims to reflect the operations and management processes executed by the technical departments where experts in accounting are capable to inject the movements in any Financial and Accounting System, should it be D2I-GI system or any other one. Téléchargez le PDF

The operations that are related to contributions(products), benefits (costs) and payments (financial accounts) will be reflected in the accounting and will enhance the transactions in the accounting management. The accounting plan is consistent with a pre-set scheme including four posting levels :

• General account
• Thirds code for the auxiliary accounting (subledger accounting)
• Management or branch
• Analytical section.

Each process (contributions, allowances, payments) includes a specific accounting treatments menu composed of the following main functions :

• A program of automatic generation of accounting entries,
• A program of de-recognition of temporary accounting entries,
• A program for printing a preliminary accounting ledger.
• Accounting and reporting
• A program for validation and merge in the fiscal year.

Chief accountant has the responsibility and the authority to monitor, as he has the fields for booking the entries in the financial and accounting system which must ensure the coordination between the multiple generations, this for many reasons: missing periods or bad generations that were not identified on time.

This interface includes the functions required to insert all the associated parameters needed for accounting.

Generation programs are based on standard and consistent functionalities :

• Missing or non-compliant parameters can be detected
• Unbalanced accounting entries (before merge) can be detected
• Printing of generation report to enable accountant check size of processing
• Printing of the errors book (accounting entries not yet generated).

Considering the conditions that are programmed, it is impossible to validate and merge a bunch of entries not balanced or with errors.



