Processings are operated according the BPM (Business Process Management) and Workflow approach and refer to documents and certificates that can be related to the DEM.
Using a secured interface, this application is meant to update personnel data base (HRM01) i.e. administrative status; it is also meant to highlight and generate the items which have an impact on the salaries calculation (HRM02): Clock-ins/clock-outs, leaves, changes in family or administrative status, etc.
The application is based on three entities Processes, event and action related to the event.
- Recruitment: on application, on examination.
- Remittance of documents and certificates.
- Coverage: Entries, appointments, commitments.
- Status changes: Marriage, divorce, widowhood, birth, death, tuition, etc.
- Administrative changes: Reallocation, address changes, training, transfers, etc.
- Leaves: Annual, unpaid authorisations, illness, maternity, long-term.
- Assessment: Promotions, sanctions, rating.
- Expectation.
- Temporary transfers: Temporary work assignment, non-activity, temporary exclusion, etc.
- Final cease of duties: Death, resignation, retirement, dismissal, removals, etc.
- Transport
- Hospitalization
- Training
- Mission
This application includes a module « Statistics » which provides a combined breakdown per center or a consolidated cross classification of the manpower handled by HRM01 as well as of the salaries elements in the PAY application HRM02 and career events in HRM03.